Title: Welcome to an interdisciplinary research era, and being a faculty in Taiwan? 


很榮幸我們邀請到了駐休士頓台北經濟文化辦事處TECO in Houston的科技組組長Dr. Pin-Chuan (PC) Chen來與我們分享他在台灣擔任教職的經歷,以及跨學科研究的重要性,包含微製造在外科手術模擬器的應用、3D列印在藥物檢測平台的應用。


As a researcher and professor, I have dedicated over twenty years to the field of microfabrication. However, my current allocation of time is divided differently, with only 30% of it dedicated to microfabrication, and the remaining 70% focused on engaging in interdisciplinary research. This shift in emphasis has yielded remarkable results. Allow me to illustrate with two examples: Firstly, we have leveraged microfabrication techniques to craft highly lifelike simulators for neurosurgeons, enabling them to enhance their surgical skills. This innovative approach has proven to be greatly beneficial. Secondly, we have used DLP 3D printing to create paper-based microfluidic for drug detection. This breakthrough technology holds immense promise in the field of healthcare. Following this brief overview of my research endeavors, I would like to take this opportunity to share my experiences as a faculty in Taiwan.


Prof. Pin-Chuan Chen earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the Mechanical Engineering Department at National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan, in May 2000, and completed his Ph.D. in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Louisiana State University, USA, in May 2009. Following his graduation, he worked in the Microfluidics Manufacturing Programme (MMP) at the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology (SIMTech, ASTAR) from June 2009 to August 2011. Subsequently, he joined the Mechanical Engineering Department at the National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST) as an Assistant Professor. As of February 2022, he holds the prestigious title of Distinguished Professor at NTUST. Additionally, he has been recognized as a Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry since February 2020. Prof. Chen's excellent contributions to his field have garnered numerous national awards, including the Future Tech Award from the National Science and Technology Council (國科會之未來科技獎) in 2018, 2021, and 2023, the National Innovation Award in 2021 (國家生技醫療產業策進會之國家臨床新創獎), the Youth Scholar Award of the Nanotechnology and Micro System Association in 2021 (中華民國微系統暨奈米科技協會110年度青年學者獎), the Youth Scholar Award of the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) in 2021 (科技部110學年度優秀年輕學者獎), the NARlabs Instrument Technology Innovation Competition Award in 2021 (國研盃儀器科技創新獎i-ONE), the Hiwin Thesis Award in 2018 and 2021 (上銀碩士論文獎), and the IEET Distinguished Teaching Award from The Institute of Engineering Education Taiwan (IEET) in 2021 (中華工程教育學會教學傑出獎). Professor Chen's research interests applies Additive Manufacturing (3D Printing) for creating 2D/3D Micro/Mill Fluidic Devices for Chemical/Biochemical Applications (including New Psychoactive Substances (NPS) and Organ-on-a-Chip). He also specializes in the manufacturing of Polymeric/Paper microfluidics for Chemical/Biochemical Applications. Currently, Professor Chen serves as the Director of the Science and Technology Division, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Houston (TECO), TX, USA. In this role, his primary responsibility involves fostering international cooperation and facilitating talent exchange between the United States and Taiwan. 

Title: Patient-derived iPSCs for cancer modeling and targeted therapies

在過去,科學家們使用各種癌症細胞株、病人檢體與小型模式生物來進行癌症機轉的研究,但基於癌症細胞基因體的複雜度以及物種間的差異,造成研究結果轉化至臨床應用的困難。近年來,來自患者的誘導性多功能幹細胞(Patient-Derived iPSCs ) 提供研究人員一個良好的平台來研究細胞分化的過程,此外,此技術還擁有突破取得病人檢體這項限制的潛力,幫助我們建立一個轉譯研究平台,進而了解癌症的發生的原因。

在本次年會中,我們邀請到了Dr. Dung-Fang Lee來跟我們介紹來自罕見遺傳性疾病病患者的誘導性多功能幹細胞,此細胞株帶有抑癌基因 p53突變,由此來了解病理學上的作用機制,可以為治療 p53突變造成的相關癌症提供了治療上的新契機。


Researchers have utilized cancer cell lines, patient samples, and small organism models to study the molecular mechanisms of cancer initiation, progression, metastasis, and recurrence. However, the complexity of the cancer genome and the differences among species frequently limit the clinical translation of these findings. Currently, patient-derived induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) offer unparalleled advantages as an alternative system, enabling investigators to study a cell continuously from the moment it differentiates from a multipotent progenitor into a differentiated cell type of interest. Patient-derived iPSCs have the potential to overcome limitations related to the availability of patient samples and provide a translational human-based platform for elucidating cancer etiologies. Rare human hereditary disorders provide unequivocal evidence of the importance of genes in human disease pathogenesis and offer powerful insights into their roles. There is a cluster of familial syndromes that predispose individuals to the development of tumors, which are relevant for understanding the underlying genetics. In this study, we apply patient-derived iPSCs to dissect the pathological mechanisms that link gene mutations and cancer formation. Specifically, we investigate the gain-of-function effects of mutant p53 using iPSCs derived from patients with Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS), which is characterized by a germline p53 mutation. We present novel pathological signaling pathways identified as contributors to the gain-of-function properties of mutant p53 and provide future insights for clinical treatment strategies targeting p53-mutant cancers.


Learn more about Dung-Fang Lee PhD, Associate Professor of Integrative Biology and Pharmacology at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston (UTHealth Houston)


Title: When cancer research meets human organoids

我們也邀請到了Dr. Yuan-Hung Lo來分享他的3D類器官模型 (primary 3D organoid model) 研究。有別於傳統的細胞株模型所能提供的有限基因及病理資訊,3D類器官模型能夠完整保存病人腫瘤組織遺傳特徵、分子結構,以及組織異質性,幫助研究人員更全面的瞭解癌症的病理機制及設計藥物治療策略。

Dr. Lo將與我們分享他如何設計出開創性的AIRD1A-deficient 3D human organoid model,並運用CRISPR/Cas9進行基因編輯來研究腸胃道癌症的致癌機制,千萬不要錯過這個向3D類器官模型專家學習的大好機會~


Gastrointestinal cancer development is characterized by dynamic changes in cell states, often accompanied by the dysregulation of intrinsic signal pathways involved in stem cell function and guiding stem cells toward aberrant cell lineages. However, in the past decades, progress in this research field has been impeded by the absence of functional genomic human models that can faithfully preserve tissue heterogeneity, exhibit dynamic cellular plasticity, and facility systematic genome editing. We have overcome these technical hurdles, developing a suite of genome editing tools that empower us to manipulate endogenous gene expression within primary human 3D organoids. This significant milestone in forward genetic research was achieved by establishing the groundbreaking AIRD1A-deficient 3D human organoid model, which presents the highest mutated epigenetic gene (>30%) in gastric cancer. Leveraging advanced CRISPR/Cas9 screening platforms in our organoid, we can study oncogenic processes for the first time while preserving critical genotypic, molecular, and histological heterogeneity and anti-tumor activity in the tumor microenvironment.


Dr. Yuan-Hung Lo is a tenure-track Assistant Professor at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Before joining MD Anderson, he obtained his Ph.D. at Baylor College of Medicine and completed his postdoctoral fellowship at Stanford University. Dr. Lo’s research focuses on developing and applying primary 3D organoid models to study gastrointestinal (GI) tract function and dysfunction. His lab employs cutting-edge genetic approaches to investigate the pathogenic mechanisms of GI diseases, including innovative functional genomic platforms to elucidate how genomic alterations regulate stem cell function, cell lineage differentiation, tumor heterogeneity, and cell vulnerability during cancer development. His recent work has leveraged CRISPR/Cas9-engineered tumor organoid models to investigate the oncogenic transformation of ARID1A-deficient gastric cancer. He has received numerous awards for his work, including the NIH/NCI Pathway to Independence Award (K99/R00) and the NIH/NCI Predoctoral to Postdoctoral Fellow Transition Award (F99/K00).

Topic:Bridging the Gap: Taiwanese Professionals in US Biotech Navigating Cross-Functional Communication


我們邀請到禮來藥廠(Eli Lilly and Company)擔任醫藥學術專員(Medical Science Liason, MSL)的 Dr. Carol Chuang、Crown Bioscience的Business Development主管Dr. Min-Shan Chen,和在C2N Dianostic擔任R&D Principal Scientist 的Dr. Shin-Cheng Tzeng與我們一同探討博士學位畢業生的多元職業出路。

Dr. Carol Chuang將和我們分享她所在的醫藥事務部門 (Medical Affair) 究竟在藥廠及醫院之間擔任一個什麼樣的重要橋樑,以及他當初又是如何接觸到這個領域的。MSL的一天怎麼過?為什麼一個完全碰不到Bench work的工作卻必須要博士才能勝任?除了專業知識外,一個優秀的MSL還需要具備哪些能力與特質?想了解這個遊走在臨床、銷售和研究間的工作到底長什麼樣子,那你肯定不能錯過本次年會!

Dr. Min-Shan Chen也將深入剖析Contract Research Organization(CRO)公司在生物科技產業中扮演的關鍵角色,以及揭示Business Development部門在促進公司間合作中的重要性。此外,她將分享自己畢業於Baylor College of Medicine後是如何發現並追求這個令人激動的職業選擇的個人故事。你將了解到,在Business Development部門取得成功所需的技能和特質,以及她的經驗如何啟發畢業生在不同領域追求職業生涯。

正在思考職涯是否有別的選項跟發展嗎?說不定一直忙碌在學術研究的你,其實掌握著生物科技業界渴求的關鍵技術及經驗而渾然不知!Dr. Shin-Cheng Tzeng將會與我們分享他所任職的新創公司,如何利用質譜儀生物標記物(biomarker)的分析技術來推進阿茲罕默症的診斷及治療。Dr. Tzeng也會進一部分享他在進入業界之前,如何在質譜儀中心同時與多種不同研究領域的科學家溝通,以及他在質譜儀的專長如何吸引到生醫生技研發公司的目光,聘任領導核心技術的研發及技轉授權。

Title: Evolving Challenges and Insights in Clinical Trials for New Drug Development

想知道clinical development是如何運作的嗎? 新藥上市前最關鍵的階段 - 臨床試驗 – 在 AI蓬勃發展及大數據的時代又將會有甚麼樣的變化呢? TTBA 今年邀請到在 Takeda Pharmaceuticals 擔任Medical Director 的 Szu-Ta Chen, MD, PhD, MPH 來跟我們分享他多年在臨床試驗領域的寶貴經驗 ! 


Clinical trials stand as the gold standard for establishing the efficacy and safety of new drugs for market approval, yet they grapple with persistent challenges, primarily cost and efficiency. In the era of AI and big data, the landscape of clinical trials is evolving to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and uphold quality standards. This talk will explore current and future trends in clinical trials to accelerate drug development while maintaining high-quality standards.


Dr. Szu-Ta Chen is a pediatric gastroenterologist with 15 years of clinical practice experience. He received his M.D. and Ph.D. in Toxicology from National Taiwan University (NTU) and medical training from NTU Hospital. He also holds an M.P.H. and is a trained epidemiologist from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH), where he conducted postdoc research in pharmacoepidemiology with Professor Sonia Hernandez-Diaz. Currently, Dr. Chen serves as the Medical Director at Takeda Pharmaceuticals, where he leads global clinical trials in gastrointestinal diseases, including short bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, eosinophilic esophagitis, and more. He has extensive experience in early and late-phase clinical trials and has been involved in submissions for new drug approval in the US, EU, and Japan.

Learn more about Szu-Ta Chen, MD, PhD, MPH: www.linkedin.com/in/szutachen-md-phd

Topic: Explore Career Paths Across Diverse Industrial Job Functions


這次我們邀請到在CBSET擔任Study Director的Jack Guo來分享他的職業經歷,以及在Appia Bio 擔任scientist 的Robin Yao來與我們分享如何一畢業迅速吸引生技公司的目光,成功攬獲理想職,「美國生技藥廠咖啡廳」的主持人Eric Peng也將會分享他如何透過職涯轉換與人生歷練成為生技藥廠的武林盟主~
