Making the most of every career stage


How to get hired and move higher?

💎本次TTBA年會的第二場Panel Discussion,我們將邀請第二天參與年會的三位講者:曾國富博士、林振銘博士及盧彥君博士一起來和我們聊聊他們在業界的求職經驗與秘辛。想知道如何準備公司面試、何時是遞出履歷的黃金求職期、新創公司與大企業各自的屬性與選擇風險,甚至了解進入職場後該如何和公司談升職、議薪的你,請不要錯過本次的座談! 

💎 癌症為什麼難治?其中一大原因在於,癌細胞會利用一切可能的機制,逃脫化療藥物和標靶治療的追殺。這也正是為什麼很多癌症治療後,身體會對藥物產生抗藥性,最終導致治療失敗和腫瘤復發。因此,發掘新的抗藥及轉移機制一直是全人類的目標!本次TTBA年會邀請到德州大學聖安東尼奧健康醫學中心Mays癌症中心的副院長黃慧明博士,分享他如何透過 single cell-based techniques 進行攝護腺癌轉移的研究。透過黃博士的研究成果,希望讓各位會員更了解最新的轉移機制與標靶藥物策略!


💎About 黃慧明博士 Tim Hui-Ming Huang, Ph.D.


Department of Molecular Medicine 系主任, UT Health Science Center at San Antonio

Mays Cancer Center 副院長, UT Health San Antonio MD Anderson Cancer Center

Alice P. McDermott President’s Distinguished University Chair

Minnie Tomerlin Voelcker Distinguished University Chair

PI of NCI’s U54 Center for Cancer Systems Biology 

曾任職 University of Missouri - Columbia (1991-2003); The Ohio State University (2003-2011); Fellow of American Association for the Advancement of Science (2006). 


Cell-cell fusion is a critical cellular event for development and differentiation. Emerging evidence has shown that fusion of normal cells and tumor cells can lead to cancer progression. In a recent study, we have identified a unique population of macrophages harboring prostate cancer cells' characteristics. These hybrid cells are like a Trojan Horse, unnoticeably evading immune surveillance and intruding into distant organs. Using a single cell-based technique, we are able to detect hybrid cells in blood samples of patients undergoing anti-hormone therapies. This non-invasive approach represents a brand-new option of liquid biopsy for predicting patients’ treatment outcomes.


Dr. Huang received his bachelor’s degree in biology from Tunghai University, Taiwan in 1980 and his Ph.D. degree in genetics from the University of California at Davis in 1989.  From 1989 to 1991, he was a clinical cytogenetics fellow at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston.  He was a faculty member at the University of Missouri - Columbia (1991-2003) and at the Ohio State University (2003-2011).  In 2006, Dr. Huang was named as a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He has served as the PI of NCI’s U54 Center for Cancer Systems Biology for the past 18 years. Presently, he is Alice P. McDermott Distinguished University Professor and Chairman in the Department of Molecular Medicine and Deputy Director of Mays Cancer Center at the University of Texas Health Science Center - San Antonio. His research team has developed novel technologies to characterize single-cell genomic, transcriptomic, and proteomic patterns of tumor cell subpopulations. Throughout these studies, he has authored or co-authored ~327 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters and has mentored 110 pre- and post-doctoral trainees and junior faculty. 

💎工程技術在生醫產業應用中,如何生成精準的液滴體積—微升(μL)小至皮升(pL)—是一門重要的應用學問。電控微流體(Electromicrofluidics, EMF)是高度精密又靈活控制的液滴系統,范士岡教授將介紹數種EMF技術,透過調節局部電場來控制液滴與水膠,達成移動液體的自動化,應用於醫學檢測以及異質(heterogeneous)生物3D/4D列印—例如仿生肝臟與列印肌肉,並且范教授將更進一步討論更多電控數位微流體的潛在商業利用價值。


💎About 范士岡博士 Shih-Kang Scott Fan, Ph.D.

現任堪薩斯州立大學 機械與核子工程系教授





Generation and actuation of droplets with a wide range of volume from pl to μl are of great interest and significance in biomedical applications. In this talk, I will introduce several electromicrofluidics techniques to manipulate droplets of various fluids and hydrogels by programmable local electric fields on an electrode array without using microchannels nor micropumps. The agile actuations of droplets with appropriate volume and ingredients enable the automation of bioassays and enhance the heterogeneity of bioprinting. The capability and potential of digital assays for single entities using electromicrofluidics will be briefly discussed.


Shih-Kang Scott Fan is a professor of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering at Kansas State University. He received his B.S. degree from National Central University, Taiwan in 1996, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in 2001 and 2003, respectively. In 2004 he joined the faculty of National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan as an assistant professor and was promoted to an associate professor in the Institute of Nanotechnology and the Department of Materials Science. From 2012-2019 he was with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and the Center for Biotechnology at National Taiwan University, Taiwan as an associate professor, professor and distinguished professor.

海外留學工作甘苦談苦於無人知嗎🤷? 你是否想和大眾分享研究發現的喜悅以及傳達正確的科學新知呢📣?你是否想在社群網路建立自己的專業個人品牌與拓展影響力呢🧑‍🔬?

💎 在網路與生活不可劃分的年代,社群媒體在科學大眾傳播與建立專業品牌的已成為不可忽略的一環。科學家的自我發聲崛起,舉凡許多教授、實驗室至業界人士在推特等社群媒體都擁有自己的專業帳號,是網路中充斥紊亂真假科學資訊中,向大眾傳遞的一道明光。本次TTBA年會第一場特別講座將由科學家兼部落客的「THE BIOLOGIST|紐約生」揭開序幕,將闡述科學家的專業聲音如何在社會中扮演不可或缺的角色,以及如何有效地讓我們科學家的想法在社群媒體上被更多人聽見。 

Scientists explore the world and extend the boundaries of human knowledge. However, due to the limited understanding, science is often considered humdrum and uninteresting to the public.  Even worse, oversimplified ideas or eye-catching pseudoscience outcompete sophisticated science and mislead the public, especially on social media.  Here, in this presentation, I will elaborate on why the voice of scientists is indispensable in society, and how to make our opinions heard on social media. Hopefully, this presentation will encourage more scientists to express their ideas and thoughts on social media and inspire more future generations’ interest in science. 






💎 More 紐約生

學術界還是業界? 如何在職涯的交叉點做適合自己的選擇呢?盧彥君博士將分享獨家的求職經歷!希望各位在求職路上一路順遂! 

💎許多學生和博士後都面臨職涯的抉擇,思考該繼續留在學界深耕或轉往業界發展。儘管沒有正確的答案,但不論學界或業界,在疫情、通膨接二連三的影響下都發生了劇烈的變動。因此,正確地掌握後疫情時代的環境局勢,才是個人職涯發展能否順利的關鍵。本次TTBA年會邀請到『台灣生醫科學家在美國 Taiwanese Biomedical Scientist in US』作者盧彥君博士,分享他從學界到業界的職涯轉變、學術研究工作、生物科技公司的研究以及求職的經驗。通過透過盧博士豐富的經歷,希望讓各位會員能更了解如何找到適合自己的職涯方向,選擇正確的職業道路。


Academia or Industry? Many students/postdocs might have the same question; however, there is no correct answer. The academic environment or biotech industry has changed since the COVID pandemic, and inflation highly affects the price in the market and the funding investment. We must make wise decisions about our future in this challenging situation. In this talk, I will share my experience in career change, academic research work, scientific research in a biotech company, and application for jobs. Through these experiences, I hope you can better understand how to find your passion and choose the right career path.


Dr. Jason (Yen-Chun) Lu obtained his B.S.s in Civil Engineering and Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University and M.Eng. in Biomedical Engineering and M.S./Ph.D. In Biological Engineering from National Taiwan University. He joined Prof. Robert Langer and Prof. Daniel Anderson’s group at Boston Children’s Hospital and MIT in 2018 and focused on developing therapeutics in type I diabetes and mRNA technology. Currently, he is a Sr. Scientist in a biotech company. Additionally, he is a creator/influencer/blogger/youtuber for scientific education, career development and leadership development. He started his blog and facebook fan page in 2021, and he has more than 4,000 followers on social media.


💎關於 Hung-Ying Lin, Ph.D. 林鋐穎博士

於 Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS) 擔任 Senior Scientist Translational Bioinformatics

曾於 Sema4 擔任 Bioinformatic scientist



💎Abstract:  Sequencing technology has developed dramatically and brought a paradigm shift in biological areas from plant, animal, and medical genomic research. The urgent demands of analyzing and interpreting tons of data leads to the fast-evolving science of bioinformatics. What would be the required skills to be a modern bioinformatician? What are the gaps between school and the workforce? How did a plant breeding student change careers from corn to immuno-oncology fields?  Let's embark on a challenging but rewarding adventure from a "bioinformatician" to "bioinformagician".

💎Biography: Dr. Hung-Ying Lin is a Senior Scientist at Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS), Translational Bioinformatics. In this position, he provides statistical and computational tools for various genomic datasets in clinical trials and research projects. He has made several production level pipelines for oncology data from the assembly, alignment, visualization, single-nucleotide variant, fusion, splicing calling, visualizations, single-cell RNA sequencing, TCR-Seq and Copy Number Variation. Before joining BMS, Dr. Lin was a Bioinformatic scientist at a molecular diagnosis company, Sema4, where he developed an NYDOH-approved oncology whole-exome sequencing pipeline running on AWS. In a nutshell, his specialty covers cloud computing, oncology, computational biology, and genetics.

💎關於 Chueh-Yu (Jerry) Wu, Ph.D. 吳爵宇博士

於 Pattern Bioscience 擔任 Scientist

曾任職於Azure Biosystems



💎Abstract:  Microfluidics plays an important role in advancing biotechnology and provides unique platforms for several applications, including point-of-care diagnosis and tissue engineering. After decades of evolution, there is a need to fill the gap between academic research and commercialized product to move the field forward. Understanding the bridge across the difference between academic research and commercialization can improve the development on both sides: the research of Microfluidic devices and systems with great functionality can be aligned toward the direction with high potential for real-world applications while the product development based on the concept of micro-scale reactions can be highly benefited by related fundamental knowledge. Let’s share and discuss the corresponding experience gained in the early-stage career.

💎Biography: Chueh-Yu (Jerry) Wu received his Ph.D. degree from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at UCLA. His research focused on inertial-microfluidics-based manufacturing technology of 3D complex microparticles/micro hydrogel and particle-templated droplet generation.  He joined Azure Biosystems to develop the imager and laser scanner for western blotting assay and also work on launching an optical-fiber-based qPCR machine for multiplex reactions. Now he is working at Pattern Bioscience to develop the first digital bacteria culture platform to accelerate the diagnosis speed of bacterial infection and solve the global healthcare issue. He is currently contributing to consumable development and system integration. 

💎本次會議的第三場Keynote,我們很榮幸邀請到曾國富博士、林振銘博士來分享他們在業界的就職經驗。曾博士將和我們聊聊他在精準醫療產業的一家新創公司—Aetio Biotherapy Inc. 的工作經驗,包括他們的藥物研發策略,以及在新創公司工作的優缺點。林博士則會和我們分享何謂生技代工業(CDMO),包括介紹CDMO公司中不同的職位與他們的工作內容,其中將特別聚焦於他所任職的部門—Process Development。希望透過兩位業界前輩的經驗分享,能幫助我們更順利地規劃自己的未來!

💎關於 Kuo-Fu Tseng, Ph.D. 曾國富博士

-於Aetio Biotherapy Inc. 擔任Chief Scientific Officer


💎關於 Chen-Ming (Eric) Lin , Ph.D. 林振銘博士

-於 Fujifilm Diosynth Biotechnologies擔任Senior Scientist


【Kuo-Fu Tseng, Ph.D. 】

💎Abstract: Therapeutic antibodies had been approved and widely used in cancer treatments for decades. These antibodies are designed to target tumor specific antigens and trigger immune responses for killing cancer cells. However, On-target off-tumor binding of antibodies often results in systematic toxicities after administration. Aetio Biotherapy Inc. is a startup company focusing on developing novel platforms or strategies to maximize the efficacy and minimize the toxicity in cancer immunotherapy, including antibody and cytokine Prodrugs. It is an honor to have this opportunity to share my experience working in this startup company.  

💎Biography: Dr. Kuo-Fu Tseng received his bachelor’s degree in Life Science from Fu-Jen University in 2002 and his Ph.D. degree in Cellular and Molecular Biology from Oregon State University in 2014. After his postdoc training in the Department of Physics in Oregon State University from 2015 to 2019, he joined Aetio Biotherapy Inc. and started his career journey in the Biotech industry. 

【Chen-Ming (Eric) Lin , Ph.D.】

💎Abstract:  Pharmaceutical CDMO (Contract Development and Manufacturing Organization) is one of the biomedical industry branches, and is focusing on cGMP manufacturing process of client’s project. In this talk, we will introduce the role of CDMO in the biomedical industry and give a general overview of scientific jobs in CDMO, with a specific focus on PD (Process Development) department positions including assistant, associate, senior and principal scientists. We will also discuss the CDMO career prospectus which will provide a good road map for your own career development.

💎Biography: Dr. Lin is currently a Senior Scientist in Upstream Process Development, FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies, College Station, Texas. He is a bioorganic chemist in rational design, synthesis characterization and biological evaluation in oncology. Dr. Lin received his PhD degree in Chemistry from Baylor University in 2015 and conducted his postdoctoral training in the Department of Chemistry, Texas A&M University. He majored in Pharmacy for his undergraduate degree in National Taiwan University and was a pharmacist in Taiwan.